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In Latin, Natün relates to being born, growing, and becoming as intended (Natus, Nature, Native). In Kaqchikel, Natün means to unite or come together, to stand for a common cause. And that is the work and future of the organization, to come together for the community, to grow, learn and become our best together.

Centering Community Wisdom

Natün's Shared Threads

Natün's commitment to long-term, holistic community development is rooted in Indigenous communities and guided by six shared threads:

Rights-based Approach
Local Leadership
Cultural Relevance
Gender Equality
Partnerships for Systemic Change

Our Shared Threads reflect Natün's commitment to local communities and center Indigenous voices.

A Path to Meaningful Change: Programmatic Areas


Through youth leadership initiatives, comprehensive tutoring, early childhood education, and scholarships spanning K-12 to University, Natün is committed to nurturing the academic growth of the next generation.

Nutrition & Health

Our Nutrition & Health programs focus on preventing chronic malnutrition, providing essential agricultural training, and promoting community health.

Economic Development

Our Economic Development programs promote growth through our trade schools, microloans, access to markets and entrepreneurial mentorship.

Our impact 2023

families improved their food security through our agricultural training, with 102 implementing medicinal plant gardens
Maya midwives enhanced maternal care in their communities, benefiting hundreds of expectant mothers
aspiring entrepreneurs developed business plans, with 145 women collaborating on 10 collective business proposals
students acquired valuable skills through our Trade Schools, offering 10 diverse courses on income-generating skills
women increased financial independence through 9 community savings groups, fostering economic skill development
Members of different communities received environmental training
at-risk families received nutritious food baskets and nutritional support, part of our comprehensive approach to reduce malnutrition
students advanced their education through our scholarship program, with 74 participating in career-prep activities